Photo Scanning
If you need to have your photos, logos or other 2D images scanned and saved electronically, look no further than RMGD! We offer high resolution photo scanning, image enhancement, and can even perform minor touch-ups if needed. Your completed images will be made available over the Internet and can be easily downloaded at your convenience. Available in jpeg (photos) or gif (logos) format, they make a perfect addition to your homepage or for attaching to your email!
Image Enhancement
Basic image enhancement is included with each and every photo scan insuring your pictures look their very best. Adjusting the contrast helps bring out the vibrant colors and really brings your photos to life. Is your photo a little too dark or a little washed out? Adjusting the image brightness can help alleviate that effect for additional improvement to imperfect photos.
Have a photo you would like to use if not for a minor blemish? Let us take care of the imperfections so you can have a photo worth sharing! How extensively can your photo be altered? If you have a larger 'Touch-Up' in mind, run your idea past us to see if we can help!
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