All graphic design work is performed using the Mac OS platform on Apple PowerPC computers. All photographs, transparencies, and printed graphics are scanned with UMAX UltraVision scanners and imported directly into Adobe Photoshop for touch-up and/or cropping. Archived web pages and related graphics are stored on Zip disk for easy location and quick retrieval.
Graphics are rendered using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and exported in gif or jpeg format. All GIF animation is assembled using Gifbuilder and exported in gif format. HTML documents are hand coded using Macromedia Dreamweaver and BBEdit 4.5 exported as pure text documents. Special care has been taken to ensure that cross-platform compatability is fluid so any future modification may easily be made on both Wintel and Mac platforms.
Where is RMGD
Red Mountain Graphic Design is located in the Tri-City area of South Central Washington State, USA. However, the Internet makes geographical boundries irrelevant in the field of web design. With the exception of language and currency, your service is the same across the street as around the world!
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